On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Jan Krämer <kraemer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tanero,
> It seems that you know your way around LDPC Codes and the theory behind
> it, which is a really good thing. But there are still things to improve.
> - Check your spelling and grammar again. Also the formatting needs
> reshaping (at least in Githubs preview and Fedoras document viewer) .
> - Regarding optimizations. If you manage to highlight a bit more, how SIMD
> could help improve the speed by parallelizing steps and how reducing the
> Parity check matrixes helps with random memory accesses that would be a
> great plus for your proposal.
> - You should try to get a bit more familiar with the FEC-API. You have an
> extra timeslot dedicated to integrating the finished OOT blocks into the
> FEC-API. Just for the record, you can have your own OOT block that is
> already using the FEC-API. Transferring that OOT block is to core-GNURadio
> would just be a copy of the source files and adjusting of the gr-fec
> CMakeLists.txt. I think it would fine with developing the blocks first as
> an OOT module (if it is using the FEC-API from the beginning) and then
> porting it to gr-fec. But directly integrating the LDPC blocks in gr-fec
> would be also an option.
> Cheers and happy hacking,
> Jan
> 2016-03-22 5:11 GMT+01:00 Tanero Juthero <tanej...@gmail.com>:
>>   I made an update to the proposal,mentors please help me review the
>> proposal,your opinions highly
>> awaited.Here is the link
>> https://github.com/tanerochris/gsoc-2016/blob/master/%20gsoc_2016_application.pdf
>> Thanks.

Following on from Jan's suggestion, please make sure you understand the
FEC-API and gr-fec. We have different implementations of LDPC already in
GNU Radio's gr-fec component. More than new codes, we need to optimize the
structures that we currently have. And new LDPC work should be close enough
to the current LDPC to make choosing different implementations easy and

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