Most of you already know me, as I’ve been in the GNU Radio community for
eleven years in various roles, including release manager, integration
manager, Live SDR developer, infrastructure manager, engineering
consultant, and technical trainer.  Today I’m happy to move on to the role
of Chief Architect.

It is an exciting time of transition for GNU Radio.  Recently there has
been large growth in several areas--growth in our user base, our number of
contributors, the types of radio applications and computing environments
that GNU Radio is running in, and hardware vendor support for interfacing
with GNU Radio applications.

Much of this success comes from the efforts of unpaid volunteer
contributors whose code they have made freely available to others in the
community.  This is the nature of open source development, and to a large
extent this has been accomplished without much formal direction from the
project.  As the GNU Radio codebase has grown more complex, we’ve seen the
need for more structured guidance and coordination across development

As Ben has outlined, we’re filling out the new organizational roles of Tech
Leads, whom we are looking to champion their respective areas of
development.  This includes:


   Developing a roadmap for feature development and communicating that
   roadmap to the user community and code contributors across the project

   Identifying and recruiting individual code contributors

   Shepherding feature proposals in their area through the process of
   getting community feedback and clarification

   Coordinating code integration in their area of the code tree prior to
   final review and merging

   Ensuring support issues and questions in their area of responsibility
   are properly resolved

In the next few weeks, Ben and I will be sharing more details about how we
will fill out the organization and how we will be operating the project and
the new Foundation.  Key among these are:


   A new process for proposing, getting community feedback on, and
   documenting new (significant) feature development, patterned after the
   Python Improvement Proposal process many of you are already familiar with

   A more structured code review, unit testing, integration, and release
   management process

   Roadmap-based development tracks that allow better coordination among
   different developers, especially for feature sets that cross organizational

   Improved communication among our globally distributed community and
   developer base

As Chief Architect, I’ll be working closely with Ben, our user community,
and each of our Tech Leads to accomplish these goals.

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