I would like to contribute to this conversation coming from a spectrum
research and product design perspective.  What is needed for this work is
the ability to visualize and then gather statistics using a variety of
metrics.  For example I have recently been doing a lot of work in the 2.4
GHz band.  We all know that is a crowded band.  What would be very useful is
to be able to go thought a set of measurements at different locations and
extract different metrics, like channel utilization.  Then when designing a
product I want to know the probability that my product will encounter a
signal above some level.  I want to find opportunities for successful
communication in both time and amplitude.


I want to be able to come to my collection of measurements with different
questions.  For example, I might have an idea for data interleaving to
improve reliability.  My questions are then how often will each of a
collection of algorithms I am considering be overcome based on a collection
of measurements that has been gathered.  


For example OU recently parked an instrument in a hospital room for 84 days.
Let's say the data shows some device I am designing would suffer too much
interference.  Then I want to know how to fix the problem.  Do I break the
data up into shorter packets?  Retransmit it more often?  Change channels?
If I change channels is that a solution for a lot of hospitals or only this
hospital or maybe just this room in this hospital?  


Let's say some group of us collects data from 10 or 50 hospitals.  How do we
quantify and compare it?  I think the metrics are an active area of
discussion but certainly I want to easily go back to a data set and extract
the probability of successful reception for a set of center frequencies and
transmission bandwidths that my product might use.


Best Regards,

Stephen Berger

TEM Consulting, LP

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