> Everyone,
> I'm really happy to say that GNU Radio was accepted as a participating
> organization for Google Summer of Code 2016! After not participating
> last year, I'm very glad I can give this news, and it'll be the fourth
> time that we participate in this program.
> That's a very good news. I am following Gnuradio for long  time now. I
think its time for me to contribute something to Gnuradio that community
can use. And GSoC is a good chance for me to do that.

> Note: We'll also apply for SOCIS again, but I haven't heard from them yet.
> For anyone interested in participating, it's imperative that you read
> all of our GSoC pages carefully, starting here:
> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/GSoC
> This includes our ideas list, which should be a starting point for
> anyone planning to apply.
> Also, have a look at the summer of code home page, and the timeline:
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/
> Applications start on March 14th, but you should definitely get in touch
> with the community before that if you're interested.
> I went through these pages last year, and I am going through them again.

> *What to do if you want to participate in GSoC '16:*
> If you want to participate, you should first pick a project to work on.
> The ideas list (see link above) is where to go first for this, although
> you can bring your own ideas to the table as well (I still recommend
> looking at the ideas page to get an idea for a good scope).
> Next, get in touch with us via the mailing list. We're very happy about
> people wanting to participate, so please don't be intimated by the
> mailing list. Let us know what you want to do!
> Sooner rather than later, you need to start working on your actual
> application. You can do this before the application deadline: In the
> past, students have often prepared their application on github, or
> similar web services, andn then posted a link to that page on their
> actual application on the GSoC application page. This allows to iterate
> on the application faster, and make it easier for community member to
> give input. It might seem scary to post something like this in the
> public, but that's what you'll be doing with your work for the duration
> of the summer if you get accepted.
> A couple of hints:
> - Really read the pages I linked to up top.
> - In the past, we've always had many more applicants than slots. So
> start working on your application early to give you a head start!
> - Usually, many more people apply to do radio stuff than to work on
> GUIs, whereas the latter is usually more useful to the bulk of our
> users. Just saying :)
> Thanks for giving hints and guidelines to prepare for GSoC. I am really
excited about it and I'll apply soon. Currently doing my homework as
suggested in pages referenced above.

> OK, I'm hoping to see a lot of new people this round! If you have any
> questions, please ask them in this thread.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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