Thanks for your help.
I reviewed the documents again and also looked at the energy detection
example in this archive, which was similar to what I'm trying:

I took the parameters to the 4 channel channelizer in energy_detect.grc and
modified them until I got something like this:

I am only considering the first two channels for now. With 20 MHz of
bandwidth divided between 4 channels, channel 0 will be centered at DC and
the next channel is separated by 5 MHz, which is what I want.

The problem now is that I'm still not getting packets, but will
occasionally get a 'malformed packet'. I am wondering if anyone has any
more suggestions for how to debug/solve this.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Tom Rondeau <> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 8:01 PM, tom x <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply,
>> Could you please clarify what you mean by 'you're offsetting the
>> frequency and shouldn't be'?
>> I am tuning the frequency of the USRP, but other than that I am not sure
>> what you mean. The channelizer flow graphs in the link set the Ch0: Center
>> Freq field as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
> Take a look at the link and paper that I mentioned. It sounded like you
> think that the channelization should be something like the following,
> assuming a 4 channel channelizer:
> |         ch2        |       ch3      |      ch0       |       ch1      |
> |                       |                   |
> |                   |
> -f/2 ------------ -f/4 ------------ 0 ------------ f/4 ------------ f/2
> When the channelization is really:
> ch2      |       ch3       |      ch0        |       ch1      |   ch2
>             |                    |                   |                   |
> -f/2 ------------ -f/4 ------------ 0 ------------ f/4 ------------ f/2
> So channel 0 spans DC. You had offset the channel from 0 to f/4.
> And because we're at complex baseband, channel 2 wraps around from +f/2 to
> -f/2
> Tom
>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Tom Rondeau <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 12:43 AM, tom x <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am working on an application to capture IEEE 802.15.4 traffic on
>>>> multiple channels simultaneously. (I will mention now that I am new to GNU
>>>> Radio and DSP.) I can successfully capture on one channel. I read the 2009
>>>> paper "Multi-Channel IEEE 802.15.4 Packet Capture Using Software Defined
>>>> Radio", where L. Choong is able to capture traffic on four channels
>>>> simultaneously with four frequency translation and FIR filter blocks. I
>>>> have tried this approach with two channels but did not have success, most
>>>> likely because the parameters to my filters were incorrect.
>>>> This mailing list's archives pointed me to the polyphase channelization
>>>> block, which I think can simplify this task. Here is a link to a picture of
>>>> my flow graph:
>>>> I am tuning the USRP to halfway between channel 25 and 26 (whose
>>>> corresponding frequencies are shown in the picture). Each channel is 2MHz
>>>> wide, and the center of each channel is separated by 5 MHz. With this in
>>>> mind, I set the USRP's bandwidth to 7MHz, which would contain channels 25
>>>> and 26 (Is setting this parameter necessary? I would like to scale this
>>>> design up to four channels.)
>>>> The 'target_rate' is the width of a channel, so I am setting the
>>>> frequency cutoff to half of that, assuming the signal I want would be
>>>> centered about 0 Hz. I set the transition window to less than half of the
>>>> sample rate, on the advice of this blog:
>>>> . However, no packets are making it to the sinks, when I transmit on either
>>>> channel from a separate radio. Does anything about this set up jump out as
>>>> incorrect? I would appreciate any tips you could offer.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tom
>>> Tom,
>>> This might help you out:
>>> One issue is you're offsetting the frequency and shouldn't be. Channel 0
>>> spans -B/2 to +B/2 (B being the bandwidth of the channel) and centered
>>> around 0. There should be images in the link (or the paper it references)
>>> that should show this.
>>> Tom
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