
> On 17 Feb 2016, at 11:45, Abhinav Jadon <abhinav12...@iiitd.ac.in> wrote:

> Upon running the transceiver code on a single X310, the transceiver shuts 
> down after few seconds of action (the LED ceases to blink) while the RX 
> continues to be up and decodes the packets. 

I can’t tell you much about the LEDs of the X310, but is there an error 
message, a seg fault, output from UHD (like ‘O's, ’T's, ‘D’s printed on the 
console), or any other indicator that something went wrong?
Maybe start the flow graph in a debugger to get more information.

If you use my Packet Pad block, try disabling the delay.

> If I run only the RX ( replacing the UHD sink with a null sink), it continues 
> to decode the packet. 
> If I run only the TX ( replacing the UHD source with a null source), it 
> continues to transmit, the LED stays on until I stop the flow graph.

What happens if you use just one transceiver flow graph (it has RX and TX)?

> I also ran simple tests (single tone transmission and reception) on the same 
> device. The TX and RX LEDs remain up until the flowgraph is stopped. This was 
> done at the behest of James Humpheris of Ettus Research. 
> I raised the issue on the Ettus mailing list and they asked me to put this up 
> on the GNURadio Mailing List. 

Just read the thread… I see...
How about piping the samples to the UHD Sink also in a Tag Debug block or 
something to check whether samples are generated at all.


> Regards 
> Abhinav PS  Jadon 
> 2012122
> Electronics and Communication Engineering Undergraduate
> IIIT - Delhi 
> IASc Summer Research Fellow 2015
> E: jadonabhi...@gmail.com <mailto:jadonabhi...@gmail.com>
> M: +919650936845
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Bastian Bloessl <bloe...@ccs-labs.org 
> <mailto:bloe...@ccs-labs.org>> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 14 Feb 2016, at 14:46, Abhinav Jadon <abhinav12...@iiitd.ac.in 
>> <mailto:abhinav12...@iiitd.ac.in>> wrote:
>> There are no overruns and the connections to the antenna ports are correct. 
>> The frame detection is working
> Note, that this also means that frame detection is only triggered once per 
> frame. Sometimes, it can be triggered all the time (if there is a DC offset 
> or LO leakage for example).
> Since you connected the devices via cable I would try to change LO offset of 
> sender and receiver.
> (Btw, I guess you use attenuators)
>> I tried all the stuff you told me to try ie I tried LMS ansd LO offset, they 
>> worked as in I saw some packets being decoded by the wireshark connector. 
>> But the packet content was incorrect . Each packet decoded looked like this 
>> new mac frame  (length 10)
>> =========================================
>> frame too short to parse (<20)
>> WIRESHARK: received new message
>> message length 10
>> WIRESHARK: d_msg_offset: 0   to_copy: 43   d_msg_len 43
>> WIRESHARK: output size: 32768   produced items: 43
> You should check in Wireshark if the content makes sense. I just implemented 
> a very minimal parser for demo purposes.
>> While the packet that is being transmitted has the following characteristics 
>> WIRESHARK: received new message
>> message length 624
>> WIRESHARK: d_msg_offset: 0   to_copy: 657   d_msg_len 657
>> WIRESHARK: output size: 32768   produced items: 657
>> Is the signal field being wrongly interpreted ? 
> That would be one thing to find out. The easiest way is to enable the log 
> option of the Decode Signal block (not the Wireshark block) to print what it 
> decoded.
> In general, I would recommend to try to find out where things break. (is the 
> frame detected, is the signal field decoded, does the constellation plot look 
> OK, etc.)
> Best,
> Bastian
>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 6:13 AM, Bastian Bloessl <bloe...@ccs-labs.org 
>> <mailto:bloe...@ccs-labs.org>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> > On 10 Feb 2016, at 15:13, Abhinav Jadon <abhinav12...@iiitd.ac.in 
>> > <mailto:abhinav12...@iiitd.ac.in>> wrote:
>> > Next I replaced the loopback with a uhd source and sink and connected the 
>> > RF frontends using a SMA cable. It fails to give me any packet (the 
>> > wireshark connector). I tried playing with the value of rx_gain and 
>> > tx_gain. I also tried playing with the value of the the correlation 
>> > threshold.
>> > I then chose to debug using the data flow. The data in the flowgraph flows 
>> > until the Decode MAC block where it gets dropped with checksum wrong 
>> > message.
>> >
>> Your debugging sounds already pretty good. Some more stuff you could try
>> - assert that there are no overruns (‘O’s or ‘D’ on the console)
>> - check that frame detection is working (there are no frames detected when 
>> the transmitter is turned off)
>> - test with antennas
>> - assert that you connected the correct antenna ports (RX and TX use a 
>> different ports by default)
>> - set a different LO offset
>> - use the LMS equaliser
>> - try a different sample rate / bandwidth
>> - check if the signal field is decoded correctly (log or debug option)
>> Best,
>> Bastian

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