You're confusing text files and binary files.

What you are referring to are text files. The text character "1" has the
binary representation (if it's represented in ASCII) of 49, "0" is 48
and all the letters of the alphabet have other values.

"binary file" means that the content of the file is just the same as the
samples were in RAM; that's something completely different from text.

Best regards,

On 02/16/2016 07:42 PM, chandan kumar wrote:
> sir,
> I entered some random binary data in a file (like 1001011010101) and
> and saved it in .dat format.
> I created a flow graph and tried to read those data. I am unable to
> read it. 
> Also, in some flow graph when I writes something to a text file using
> file sink, it is something in symbols (like @, #, $ &, A) not in
> numbers. Please help me on this.
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