Hi all,

Thank you Marcus for your kind reply.

My original intention is to test whether there are signal transmission in a 
certain spectrum band. So at first I want to use energy detection and other 
methods to test which band has signal, and then compare the probability of 
detection in different SNR.

I store the samples in /out.dat, cos I want to use the sample to calculate the 
detection probability.(But now I don’t know how to get detection probability, I 
wonder whether I can use the data to calculate it.)



From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+eexyh22=nottingham.ac...@gnu.org 
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+eexyh22=nottingham.ac...@gnu.org] On Behalf Of 
Marcus Müller
Sent: 12 February 2016 11:52
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] The threshold of energy detection

Hi Yan,

The threshold block converts your signal to 1 if you've been above the "high" 
value, unless it has fallen below "low" again. Everywhere else, it's 0. See the 
"documentation" tab in the block properties, or the GNU Radio doxygen manual 

But: Parseval's theorem states that energy in frequency and in time domain are 
directly proportional, so your

stream to vector -> FFT->complex to mag²-> vector to stream>moving average

can simply be replaced with a

complex to mag²->moving average

if detecting the average energy in your signal is all you want , which seems 
probable, seeing that length(average)≈length(FFT).

I'm not quite sure what your original intention was when storing 
(FFT->mag²->average) samples in test_sensor/out.dat; the signal after moving 
averaging is neither really frequency nor time domain. Out of curiosity: what 
do you want with that data?

There's very valid applications for frequency domain filters (a moving average 
is actually but a low pass FIR filter, in principle), but the convolution that 
filtering usually means is often replaced with a multiplication in time domain, 
which is much less CPU-intense and mathematically equivalent!

Best regards,

¹ For new applications, I recommend Qt rather than WX -- the latter isn't going 
to be around forever.
On 12.02.2016 12:02, Yan Huang wrote:
Hi all,

I’m using USRP B210 to do spectrum sensing, and the flow graph as attached 
file. It can get a result that there is a peak at 5.8 GHz which is the 
receiving signal frequency.

But if I change the Moving Average block to a threshold, there is no output 
like previous one.

I want to ask how can I get a result have a peak at 5.8 GHz  in frequency 
domain using threshold. I can only get 1 or 0 in time domain not in frequency 

Is there anyone can give me some advice? Thanks in advance.

Yours Sincerely


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