I am trying to receive Dutch public broadcast DVB-T with gr-dtv/dvb-t.
The channel has the following parameters:
I modified dvbt_rx_8k.grc to above parameters and cyclic prefix of 8192/4 =
Using a hackrf, I recorded 10 MS/s at 618 MHz. I added a resampler of 64/70
just like some USRP B210 example in gr-dvbt.
I added a a GUI Constellation Sink after the ODFM Symbol Acquisition + FFT to
see what is going on.
If I generate a raw file using a modified dvbt_tx_8k.grc, this is correctly
read in my modified dvbt_rx_8k.grc and on the extra constellation sync you see
a pattern.
If I read the hackrf received file, the extra constellation sync will show
things, but it does not look like a pattern, it looks a bit random noise.
The files are in https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7N6_wFOhgnoQnZFcjVJcDNxNEk
It tried with both gnuradio 3.7.9 and the git head version.
Does anyone have experience receiving public DVB-T channels using gr-dtv?
Your help is much appreciated.
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