Thanks for the quick response Marcus!!!! Since my Latex isn't very good (as in pretty much non-existent). Let me see if I can rewrite what you recommended in my dumbed down language and see if I am close.:
*I have two dongles, dongle 1 will be my modified dongle, dongle 2 will be my un-modified dongle. *Put a a known reference tone into each of the dongles where Ftune = Fref - Foffset ** Foffset should be roughly a third of the sample rate **An example at a sample rate of 1.024Msps would be a reference tone at 98MHz, and then tune the dongles to 97.659MHz *I'll now see a baseband signal for both dongles whose offsets won't be exactly the same. *Multiple the resulting signals found above against each other (offset,1 * offset,2) *Pass that through a LPF with a cutoff of Fsample/4, or 256khZ in this case **This will give the difference between the frequencies at frequency at Foffset,1 +/- Foffset,2 *perform a QT freq sync or a quad demod into a QT time sink to compare. Is that close? I think I am missing something in there, and I have a feeling that it has to do with the multiplication step as that makes the least amount of sense to me. Any way to enlighten me on what I am missing above? Thanks! _______________________________________________ Discuss-gnuradio mailing list