On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 11:35 AM, <shortwaved...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hello/Happy New Year!
> I'm in need of using my USRP to receive NTSC (Analog TV). I installed
> gnuradio via pybombs and I noticed that under
> /target/share/gnuradio/examples/uhd there is a python script called
> usrp_tv_rcv.py however when running the script I get the message
> "gr-video-sdl" is not installed I can also see this in the code when doing
> an import.  Using pybombs I confirmed this is not installed. I did read
> older messages but cannot get a sense of how to install this. It is under
> /pybombs/src/gnuradio... but being a newbie I'm stuck as to what to do
> next. Any help would be appreciated and any comments as to using
> usrp_tv_rcv to receive analog TV are also welcome.
> Thanks,
> Jon

Hi Jon,

Currently, PyBOMBS doesn't support installing gr-video-sdl itself. It's a
fairly obscure package (in GR terms) and rarely used. Basically, you'll
need to install libsdl1.2-dev (I think that should be all), but there's no
PyBOMBS recipe for this.

For your case, I would just install this package by hand through your
package manager, then clean the PyBOMBS installation of gnuradio and try
again. With the libsdl1.2-dev installed, GNU Radio should pick up on it and
build gr-video-sdl for you.

In Debian/Ubuntu, just use:
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev

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