On 04/01/16 01:04, Martin Braun wrote:
> Daniel,
> thanks for editing the wiki! One thing (unrelated to the fact that this
> is a page for hams) is that there's a lot of overlap with other pages.
> The installation, for example, is covered elsewhere and I'm not sure why
> you're specifically addressing Debian-jessie users.
> Things go out of date quickly, and I hate out-of-date documentation, so
> keeping redundancy low, and linking to pages where content already
> exists, is always recommended.

Debian-jessie is the current stable release. Using "-t jessie-backports"
obtains the latest version of the package from backports

Anyhow, I agree that could go to the InstallingGR page, so I've created
links to there.  Some of this had already been on the HamRadio page
before I started editing it.

> I'd like to encourage people to join editing this page. The "Hardware"
> page focuses on the SDR hardware, but maybe this is a good place to talk
> about other hardware (amps, antennas).

My initial thought was that the HamRadio page would just provide links
to other pages.  So rather than documenting power amps and related
issues on the HamRadio page, maybe a transceiver page is needed too,
that could cover the issues for anybody building a transceiver, whether
they are a ham or not.

> Also, it seems the page is focussed on hams starting with GR. The
> reverse path is also common, and it would be nice to have this page be
> useful both to newcomers from the ham *and* the software domains.

That is a good point too.  I've added some notes about amateur radio at
the top.



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