Hi Ekko,

I'm not sure what you're doing, because you don't share any code.

Best regards,

On 03.01.2016 17:18, Ekko wrote:
> hello all,i want to save the random float data into a file ,but i can
> not check the data just as 
> 0.12324 in the dest file
> my random source is 
> numpy.random.rand(10)
> and i want to save those ten number into a file for recording the
> random data.
> now,the data is stored in the file,but i can not get the data just
> like 0.3212121 this format,
> what should i do ,i want to store the number into file ,and i can
> check the number just like 0.2131,not all 0 and 1.
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