
quick reminder that tomorrow is our submission deadline. As usual, there
will be no deadline extension, so please get your submissions in ASAP!


On 22.10.2015 10:30, Martin Braun wrote:
> Dear friends and colleagues,
> next year's FOSDEM (the free and open source developer's meeting in
> Brussels, Europe) will, once again, feature a  track on Software Defined
> Radio.
> Therefore, we invite developers and users from the free software radio
> community to join us for this track and present your talks or demos.
> Software Radio has become an important tool to allow anyone access the
> EM spectrum. Using free software radio libraries and applications and
> cheap  hardware, anyone can now start hacking on wireless
> communications, remote sensing, radar or other applications. At FOSDEM,
> we hope to network all these projects and improve collaboration, bring
> new ideas forward and get more people involved.
> The track's web site resides at:
> Here, we will publish updates and announcements. The final schedule will
> be available through Pentabarf and the official FOSDEM website.
> ** Submit your presentations
> To suggest a talk, go to
> and follow the instructions (you need an account, but can use your
> account from last year if you have one). You need to create an 'Event';
> make sure it's in the Software Defined Radio track! Lengths aren't
> fixed, but give a realistic estimate and please don't exceed 30 minutes
> unless you have something special planned (in that case, contact one of
> us). Also, don't forget to include time for Q&A.
> Typical slot lengths would be 30 Minutes including QA.
> You aren't limited to slide presentations, of course. Be creative.
> However, FOSDEM is an open source conference, therefore we ask you to
> stay clear of marketing presentations. Of course, we like nitty-gritty
> technical stuff.
> We will reserve time for interactiveness, it won't all be talks.
> ** Important Dates
> FOSDEM is January 30th & 31st 2016.
> * December 4th 2015: Submission Deadline
> * December 18th 2016: Announcement of final schedule
> * January 31st 2016: SDR Track (Sunday)
> ** Steering Committee
> The track committee consists of:
> * Philipp Balllister (OpenEmbedded / OpenSDR)
> * Martin Braun (GNU Radio)
> * Sylvain Munaut (OsmoCom)
> Hope to hear from you soon! And please forward this announcement.
> Martin

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