Thank you very much for your reply.
There isn't any switch or router between USRP and computer. They are
connected by Ethernet cable.
the folow-graf is not complex at all, but the signal is transmitted from
the saved file and the received signal is recorded to hard disk. I tested
to do that on different computers with CPU (dual core, i3, i5, i7) but I
didn't mentioned any big difference.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Marcus D. Leech <> wrote:

> On 11/17/2015 10:13 AM, scott tiger wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Can you please tell me, what is the max sample rate that can be used in
>> gnu-radio for SISO transmission with USRP 2 or N200 series? "of course
>> practically"
>> theoretically it is written up to 50M, but the max that I achieved is 12M.
>> any ideas about the host computer characteristic to achieve higher sample
>> rate?
>> Thank you very much for your reply
>> Maksim
>> It depends very much on what you're trying to do, how complex your
> flow-graph is, etc.
> In general, faster CPU cores, more of them.   The fastest memory you can
> use with said CPUs.  If you're recording to disk, or transmitting from
> saved signals, a fast, probably-RAID disk subsystem.
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