Hi Johannes, Hi xd,

complex_to_arg uses GNU Radio's fast_atan2f function, which is an
approximation [1].
Between the 255 values of the lookup table, it uses linear
interpolation, hence your 0.4 error factor.

As Johannes said, that's not really surprising for a look up table-based
I do think using this approximation is justified, but I also think that
the codebase it uses has been obsolete for a bit now:
gr::fast_atan2 could be replaced by volk's volk_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f,
which has been around since 2012, but hasn't seen any use in GNU Radio,
as far as I can tell.

Now, I went ahead and had a benchmark [2] which showed that
gr::fast_atan2 is actually quite fast -- but that's only twice as fast
as the standard been-around-forever libc implementation and the volk
implementation (which, admittedly, also does a multiplication with 1.0,
and by the way: the generic volk kernel (which does libc atan2 +
multiplication) is exactly as fast as the SSE4 one on my machine), and
everything is pretty much in the same range as C++ <complex>'s std::arg :

For 2²⁵ complex numbers, of which at least half have small angles:

1: .fast:
1:  0.397261s wall, 0.370000s user + 0.020000s system = 0.390000s CPU
1: .volk:  0.780515s wall, 0.760000s user + 0.020000s system = 0.780000s
CPU (99.9%)
1: .libc:  0.777738s wall, 0.760000s user + 0.020000s system = 0.780000s
CPU (100.3%)
1: .c++ complex arg:  0.815700s wall, 0.780000s user + 0.030000s system
= 0.810000s CPU (99.3%)

But: this is on an Intel i7. Things might look different on your average
android phone or even worse, your raspberry Pi (so if you wanna test,
[2] ).

Conclusion: If you're after small angles, the current complex_to_arg's
factor 2 speedup might not be what your after.
That is probably not the case if you use complex_to_arg in an
quadrature_demod inside an FM audio receiver running on an embedded
device -- small angle errors don't make the least difference here.
The question is, like it was with gr::random, whether we still prefer
performance over preciseness, or if we excercise exactness.

Also, I was pretty amazed how fast fast_atan2 really is –  its
dependence on branching suggests it's pretty hard to vectorize and
optimize as a compiler.

Best regards,

On 10.11.2015 10:45, Johannes Demel wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you extend a test case for this block with Python? This might
> reveal issues with the implementation more easily. Also, others might
> benefit from it.
> For your specific problem, I guess the GR block result is as close as
> it gets for a LUT-based calculation. And it's not off by a lot but by
> some 10^-x.
> Cheers
> Johannes
> On 10.11.2015 10:29, w xd wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Thank you very much in advance.
> > I find the result of the block "complex to Arg" is same to the
> > result in matlab most of the time,while sometimes the results is
> > different from the result in matlab.
> > For example, a=1.646236600879293e+03 + 8.043715071772031e+00i I use
> > the command  atan2 or angle to calculate the result. It return
> > 0.004886084452240.
> > While i calculate the result using the gnuradio. It return
> > 0.002944485750049.
> > Can someone explain it?
> > The version of gnuradio:3.7.5. Best regards, xd
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