Is it possible to share a variable between two blocks in GNU Radio such
that block A modifies its value and block B reads it. Block A that modifies
the value is a downstream block. I have a block called CSMA and it has a
msg input port. Whenever it receives a msg, its corresponding msg handler
"in( )" is executed. In my function "in( )", I need the channel power that
is calculated by another downstream block "channel_power".

void csma_impl::in(pmt::pmt_t msg)
 bool okay_to_send = false;
while(k < 10){
                //check channel state
okay_to_send = channel_state(d_threshold, power);   if (okay_to_send) break;
wait_time(1000); // waits 1000 micro-seconds
bool csma_impl::channel_state(float threshold, double * power)
//assuming power is the pointer to the shared variable between the blocks
// extracts the value pointed to by power
if (*power >= threshold) {return true;} return false;
void csma_impl::wait_time(double wait_duration)
time_t start_time;
time_t stop_time;
while((stop_time - start_time)/1000000 <= wait_duration)

I can't pass the value modified by the downstream block "channel_power" to
"CSMA" block as a feedback (as a message) because I want to get access to
the current value of the shared value multiple times in the while loop in a
single execution of the csma block.

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