On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 09:29:13AM +0000, Denis Stijn wrote:
> I have a question regarding the use of the GFSK modulator block. I
> have a simple schematic: a random repeating (Byte) source is connected
> to a GFSK mod block (Samples/Symbol: 8, Sensitivity: 707m, BT: 500m),
> which is connected to a throttle block (sample rate 444.444k), which
> is connected to an FFT Sink. I expected the resulting frequency
> spectrum to contain two peaks, at respectively -50 and 50 kHz (444444
> / (2*pi) * 0.707), however, I only have one peak at -50 kHz, and I
> can't figure out the reason behind this.

How have you configured the random source?  Have you verified the output
of the source?


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