Hi Veljko,

GNU Radio works by calling your blocks' "work" methods with buffers full
of consecutive items (read: samples). These blocks might then run in
parallel. For example, assume that the first add_const has worked
through samples 0-999, the second is called with the resulting 1000
items, while the first already starts to consume the 1000-1999 item
coming from your source.
The probe block always takes the last item it gets in such an item chunk
and memorizes it. Since these chunk sizes need not be constant, and
processing is timing-wise totally unconnected to when you query the
probes, it might be totally random what you're seeing.

So the interesting point here is: what were you *hoping* to find out
with your flow graph?

Now, the subject line of your mail suggests you want to find out how
long it takes for samples to propagate from source to sink -- I'd
recommend using the "ctrlport monitor" to figure out how long the
average calls to work lasted, and how many samples the work functions
processed on average -- that'll tell you something like "for 4096, on
average, my block needed 200µs". You could divide that down to give you
a "latency per sample", but honestly, considering that you never process
individual samples in GNU Radio, that would be meaningless, and also
misleading, because it'd hide the "chunky" processing behaviour.

Best regards,

On 20.10.2015 18:37, Veljko Pejovic wrote:
> Hi,
> In order to better understand the gnuradio flowgraph I created a very
> simple test in which I connected a vector source (running through
> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) in series with two “Add Const” blocks. The first
> block adds 1, the second subtracts 1. I have two probes that I query
> every second. One probe is connected directly to the vector source,
> the other to the output of the second “Add Const” block. I print the
> output of both probes every second. This is what I get from one run
> (printing probe at the end, followed by the probe at the source):
> $ python test_delay.py
> 0.0 0.0
> Press Enter to quit: 2.0 5.0
> 5.0 9.0
> 7.0 2.0
> 2.0 6.0
> 4.0 8.0
> 0.0 2.0
> 4.0 7.0
> 8.0 1.0
> 0.0 5.0
> 0.0 3.0
> 8.0 1.0
> 4.0 8.0
> 4.0 9.0
> 8.0 1.0
> 0.0 4.0
> 7.0 0.0
> 6.0 9.0
> 5.0 8.0
> 3.0 6.0
> 5.0 8.0
> 8.0 2.0
> 3.0 4.0
> 8.0 3.0
> and so on.
> Two things surprise me here:
> 1) The output is different every time I run the graph.
> 2) The difference between the probe at the end of the second "Add
> Const" element and the probe at the vector source is not constant. See
> for example pairs: 0.0,2.0 , 0.0,5.0 and 0.0,3.0 all of which can be
> seen in the output.
> Can someone please explain this non-deterministic behaviour?
> Thanks,
> Veljko
> p.s. attached is a screenshot of the GRC file I started from, and
> here's the python code (slightly modified from the GRC):
> from gnuradio import eng_notation
> from gnuradio import gr
> from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
> from gnuradio.filter import firdes
> from optparse import OptionParser
> import threading
> import time
> class test_delay(gr.top_block):
>     def __init__(self):
>         gr.top_block.__init__(self, "Test Delay")
>         self.variable_function_probe_0 = variable_function_probe_0 = 0
>         self.samp_rate = samp_rate = 1
>         self.probe = blocks.probe_signal_f()
>         self.probe_src = blocks.probe_signal_f()
>         def _variable_function_probe_0_probe():
>             while True:
>                 val = self.probe.level()
>                 val_src = self.probe_src.level()
>                 print val, val_src
>                 try:
>                     self.set_variable_function_probe_0(val)
>                 except AttributeError:
>                     pass
>                 time.sleep(1.0 / (1))
>         _variable_function_probe_0_thread =
> threading.Thread(target=_variable_function_probe_0_probe)
>         _variable_function_probe_0_thread.daemon = True
>         _variable_function_probe_0_thread.start()
>         self.blocks_vector_source_x_0 = blocks.vector_source_f((1, 2,
> 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0), True, 1, [])
>         self.blocks_add_const_vxx_1 = blocks.add_const_vff((-1, ))
>         self.blocks_add_const_vxx_0 = blocks.add_const_vff((1, ))
>         self.connect((self.blocks_add_const_vxx_0, 0),
> (self.blocks_add_const_vxx_1, 0))
>         self.connect((self.blocks_add_const_vxx_1, 0), (self.probe, 0))
>         self.connect((self.blocks_vector_source_x_0, 0),
> (self.blocks_add_const_vxx_0, 0))
>         self.connect((self.blocks_vector_source_x_0, 0), (self.probe_src, 0))
>     def get_variable_function_probe_0(self):
>         return self.variable_function_probe_0
>     def set_variable_function_probe_0(self, variable_function_probe_0):
>         self.variable_function_probe_0 = variable_function_probe_0
>     def get_samp_rate(self):
>         return self.samp_rate
>     def set_samp_rate(self, samp_rate):
>         self.samp_rate = samp_rate
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage="%prog: [options]")
>     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
>     tb = test_delay()
>     tb.start()
>     try:
>         raw_input('Press Enter to quit: ')
>     except EOFError:
>         pass
>     tb.stop()
>     tb.wait()
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