For our use case, since our preamble and payload use the same constellation, 
the double tag issue probably doesn't hurt us too much, so we haven't guarded 
against it. Qualitatively, as long as timing and phase offsets haven't diverged 
"too much" over the course of a few samples, the coarse estimates provided by 
sampling off-peak while still above threshold update the PFB Clock Sync and 
Costas loop states to get "close", and they seem to converge during the 
remainder of the preamble symbols before data payload symbols begin.​ If 
anybody has any comments on this, I'd love to hear them.


From: Richard Bell <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 3:48 PM
To: Nowlan, Sean
Cc: Andy Walls;;
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Correlation Estimator Over the Air

Andy, Sean,

Even if you use a sequence that has good correlation properties, you will 
sometimes get a double tag. This happens when the correlation threshold is 
passed just at the end of a call to work. Upon the next call to work, the very 
first few samples may still be above the threshold, but the correlator has no 
way of knowing this was actually due to the peak it already tagged in the 
previous call to work, so it tags it again.

Andy, how do you work around double or triple tags usually? The tag location in 
all my applications is vitally important to the rest of the system. I couldn't 
handle ambiguity in that location. Is your system just not as dependant on 
knowing exact frame start positions, or are there other helpers to find this 
exactly down the line in your systems? Very curious.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Nowlan, Sean 
<<>> wrote:
Logan, I've been away from email for the last week so sorry for the delay.

> Is the k value the reference value in the AGC2 block or the max gain? Would 
> you mind explaining the equation you used a little more?

Yes, it's the reference value. I think the max gain is used to keep the AGC 
from blowing up.

The equation I mentioned is essentially the Euclidean norm, which we applied to 
our 4x oversampled, root-raised cosine filtered, BPSK sequence of 0s and 1s 
mapped to constellation points -1+0j and +1+0j, respectively. The corr_est 
block is running at 4x oversampling of the baud rate. So for BPSK, you can use 
either GNU Radio or Matlab/Octave to create a root-raised cosine matched 
filter, map your preamble sequence to constellation points, and filter them. 
Then calculate the Euclidean norm of the upsampled, matched filtered sequence. 
That's what I called "K" in my previous message. Dividing by the length of this 
sequence gives you the average "energy" (unitless) of the sequence. Think of it 
this way: the corr_est block is a matched filter that will give maximum 
likelihood detection when the input sample stream containing a preamble 
sequence matches up in time and level with the correlation sequence. So the AGC 
should be configured to normalize the input stream to allow that to happen.

 on behalf of Andy Walls 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Correlation Estimator Over the Air

On Tue, 2015-10-20 at 11:46 -0400,<>
> Message: 10
> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 10:46:11 -0500
> From: "Washbourne, Logan"
> To: GNURadio Discussion List 
> <<>>
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Correlation Estimator Over the Air

> Hello,
> I have still been working on getting the over the air communication to
> work
> and I think I have definitely narrowed it down to the AGC being the
> problem. I took Sean's advice and calculated the average energy per
> sample
> for the preamble, which yielded me a value of .0078 Joules and I used
> that
> for the reference value in the AGC2 block. When I used that value as
> the
> reference, the correlation estimator wouldn't catch anything as
> correlated.
> It is a real possibility that I calculated the energy per sample
> incorrectly. I calculated it by only sending the preamble over the
> air,
> then took the first 64 complex values( I used some code from the
> octave
> files in gr-utils, to convert file sink data to complex values) from
> the
> USRP Source block. I then found the magnitude of those values, squared
> them, summed them, and then divided by 64. Dividing by 64 might be
> incorrect.
> That is what I tried in terms of calculating the reference value of
> the
> AGC, but I also just plugged numbers into the block as well, and what
> I
> seem to get most often is the correlation estimator block spitting out
> several "correlated values" that are within a few samples of each
> other,
> which ideally shouldn't happen seeing as how the payload length is 992
> samples long and there is a null source injected roughly 32k zeros
> into the
> communication stream.

Well, it can happen, depending on your preamble.

AIS has a preamble that is essentially:  110011001100110011001100111
I either get 4 or 2 hits on that every time, simply because the preamble
is periodic and slightly shifting things still correlates well enough.

DSC is worse: 1010101010101.

> I have some pictures of what my output graphs look like, I am
> concerned
> that the correlation tags are being associated with the very low
> amplitude
> values on the correlation plot.

Try and zoom in on where the correaltions are happening and see how many
symbols they are apart.

Also plot a scaled version of the magnitude or magnitude^2 of the "corr"
output delayed by the preamble length (in samples).  That will let you
eyeball if multiple correlations can be expected.

See the attached "clock pattern" preamble correlation.  The premable is
101010101.. and the delayed, absolute value of the correlation is
plotted above the baseband.  I get 2 peaks or 0 peaks no matter where I
set the threshold -- no way around it based on the correlation
properties of the preamble.  (The plot might lead you to believe I
should get 4 or 5 peaks, but the abs(corr) is flipping the negative
correlation troughs to look like positive correlation peaks.)

I perhaps could make the preamble longer and include some of the start
byte bits, but then I would have to be sure of the bit polarity of the
start byte bits.


> These pictures are of the same communication session, screen-printed
> roughly 5 secs apart.
> (If the attachments don't make it through the mailing list, please let
> me
> know and I can host them elsewhere)
> I really appreciate your guys' help.
> Logan Washbourne
> Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
> (Electromagnetics)
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Washbourne, Logan <
><>> wrote:
> > Sean,
> >
> > Thanks for the tip! Is the k value the reference value in the AGC2
> block
> > or the max gain? Would you mind explaining the equation you used a
> little
> > more? From what I understand of it, the seq is the 1's and 0's that
> make up
> > the pseudorandom preamble, N is the sequence length and i is the
> specific
> > value of the sequence when summing. Is that right or am I way off
> base?
> >
> >
> >
> > Logan Washbourne
> > Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
> > (Electromagnetics)
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Nowlan, Sean
> <<>
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> ?We saw a lot of improvement in the performance of the Correlation
> >> Estimator block once we calculated a level for the AGC. In our
> case, we're
> >> looking for a BPSK preamble that is a pseudorandom sequence. The
> corr_est
> >> block is provided with the match-filtered version of the preamble
> sequence.
> >> So we calculated the average energy per sample of that sequence as
> K =
> >> \frac{ \sum_{i}^{N}(\abs{seq}^2) }{ N }. (Sorry if the LaTeX
> notation is a
> >> bit off). So K is the target level we use in the AGC2 block. This
> seems to
> >> work pretty well for us.
> >>
> >>
> >> Sean
> >>
> >>
> >> ------------------------------
> >> *From:* discuss-gnuradio-bounces
> >> <<>>
> >>  on
> behalf
> >> of Washbourne, Logan 
> >> <<>>
> >> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 13, 2015 12:03 PM
> >> *To:* GNURadio Discussion List
> >> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Correlation Estimator Over the
> Air
> >>
> >> Rich,
> >>
> >> Ah, that makes so much sense now. I was modulating all that came
> out of
> >> the costas loop and packing the bits into bytes which essentially
> means I
> >> was undoing the syncing the blocks before it were doing. This
> morning I
> >> tried searching for the preamble in the binary stream that was
> output from
> >> the constellation decoder and I found it. It was 98 samples in,
> which
> >> confused me, but now that I know I am looking for a tag then that
> makes
> >> perfect sense.
> >>
> >> I just tried that same process, looking for the preamble in the
> binary
> >> stream(using matlab) for the over the air program and I still can't
> find
> >> it, but I am going to play around with the AGC block and see if I
> can't
> >> tweak it enough to work.
> >>
> >> I really appreciate your help, I finally feel like I'm getting
> close to
> >> my goal.
> >>
> >> Logan Washbourne
> >> Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
> >> (Electromagnetics)
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Richard Bell
> <<>>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Logan,
> >>>
> >>> How are you doing this test to see if the bit stream comes out?
> >>>
> >>> The corr_est block correlates against a known sequence and when
> the
> >>> correlation output is above a threshold, tags the local maximum
> item around
> >>> that beak. Now it's up to you to do something with that tag. It
> places the
> >>> tag at the very front of the correlation sequence, so one of the
> first
> >>> things you need to do is handle the tag placement. You have some
> control
> >>> over that with the builtin delay paramter, but sometimes that's
> not enough.
> >>>
> >>> I would recommend taking a step back and proving you know how to
> do the
> >>> transformations that don't involve synchronization and channel
> correction.
> >>> Take your input data, map it to symbols, modulate it and then
> immediately
> >>> reverse the process. No channel, no noise, no synchronization. If
> you can't
> >>> make this simulation work, you are misunderstanding something.
> >>>
> >>> Rich
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Washbourne, Logan <
> >>><>> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Rich and others,
> >>>>
> >>>> I added the AGC block to RX side and after playing with the
> parameters
> >>>> for awhile I got a correlation spike! My next step was to confirm
> that my
> >>>> output equalled my input (byte-wise). In order to accomplish
> this, I added
> >>>> a Constellation Decoder block after the costas loop and used the
> >>>> constellation object as the input parameter. Then I repacked the
> bits into
> >>>> 8 bit bytes and saved it to a file. I also saved the input byte
> stream to a
> >>>> file. I looked at those files in Matlab and so far I have not
> been able to
> >>>> find the preamble in the output byte stream.
> >>>>
> >>>> After not being able to determine if this communication system
> was
> >>>> working( the TX and RX programs utilizing the USRPs), I took a
> step back
> >>>> and tried to figure out how to confirm if the test_corr_est.grc
> had the
> >>>> same output as its input and I'm running into the same problem, I
> haven't
> >>>> been able to find the preamble in the output.
> >>>>
> >>>> Both programs show a clear correlation spike, I just want to put
> my
> >>>> mind at ease and verify if it's working through the actual bytes.
> One last
> >>>> note, the packed output byte stream is roughly 5.5 times smaller
> than the
> >>>> input byte stream, which I was expecting a really close 1:1 size,
> this
> >>>> makes me think I am overlooking a consequence of one of the
> blocks, namely
> >>>> the Correlation Estimator, Polyphase Clock Sync, or the Costas
> Loop.
> >>>>
> >>>> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> >>>>
> >>>> I know this thread is getting a little long, but I appreciate
> >>>> everyone's patience with my questions.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Logan Washbourne
> >>>> Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
> >>>> (Electromagnetics)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Richard Bell
> <<>>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Ah, yes. I suspect you don't have an AGC in your flowgraph?
> Whenever
> >>>>> you're thresholding against some static number, you need to be
> sure your
> >>>>> input signal is set to a known amplitude, which is what the AGC
> does for
> >>>>> you. If you put an AGC in the chain you should see peak values
> that get
> >>>>> close to your simulation values. The AGC produces a stable
> platform for the
> >>>>> rest of your blocks to sit on.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The AGC parameters can really play havoc with your system. The
> AGC can
> >>>>> be the cause of a lot of headache. If you find yourself
> debugging something
> >>>>> that makes no sense, often it's the AGC's fault, in my
> experience. I
> >>>>> recommend you create a simulation that stresses the AGC and
> prove it will
> >>>>> work as best you can before going to over the air.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Rich
> >>>>>

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