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Radio Conference 2015 Recap
Corgan Labs and the rest of the GNU Radio Conference 2015 team are
extremely proud to report that GRCon15 was a major success.  Compared to
2014, attendance more than doubled for both the New Developer Day and
general conference. Presenters covered a wide range of topics, from
introductory sessions about getting started with GNU Radio to new advances
in cognitive radio techniques using deep learning. We have received
positive feedback from beginners and advanced developers alike. The growth
of this conference, widespread adoption, and enthusiasm throughout the
community is an indication that GNU Radio is a great platform to invest in.

Over the next few months Corgan Labs will be working with the GRCon15 team
to highlight some of the interesting material and discussions.
 RFNoC: Survey for Potential UsersOne very popular topic at the conference
was RF Network-on-a-Chip (RFNoC)
<>, a new
framework developed by Ettus Research that drastically reduces the effort
required to offload high-performance DSP functions to an FPGA.  RFNoC
promises to revolutionize high-performance SDR design flows and enable new
applications.  However, RFNoC is a multi-faceted framework, which requires
knowledge and experience in a number of areas for full utilization, such as
digital design for FPGAs, DSP theory, C/C++ programming, and GNU Radio
application development.

Corgan Labs is currently developing a course that will help users become
productive using RFNoC and FPGA design.  Planned for later this year, we
are gathering input from potential attendees to understand their
requirements.  If you would like to participate in the survey, and receive
$100 toward any Corgan Labs SDR course, please visit this page
 New Public CoursesCorgan Labs is also excited to announce new public
courses designed for beginners.  We started hosting these public courses in
the beginning of 2015, and they have been a big hit.  New course listings

   - US East Coast - Columbia, MD,  November 5th, 2015
   - US West Coast - San Diego Clara, CA, November 2nd, 2015

Click on the links above for more information about the public courses.
Corgan Labs also offers on-site, customized, and advanced courses.  For
more information, please visit the Corgan Labs Training Page
<> or email

Best Regards,
Johnathan Corgan
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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