On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 12:41 PM Tom Rondeau <t...@trondeau.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Eric Statzer <eric.stat...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm attempting to use ctrlport_probe2_x and gr-ctrlport-monitor to probe
>> points in a bursty flowgraph.  When I place a ctrlport_probe2_x probe
>> somewhere in the part of my flowgraph that process samples only upon
>> reception of a burst, gr-ctrlport-monitor doesn't fully initialize
>> (populate its list of controlport "knobs") until after all
>> ctrlport_probe2_x blocks have performed at least one call to work().
>> Furthermore, the gr-ctrlport-monitor GUI is only responsive to user input
>> if all ctrlport_probe2_x blocks in the flowgraph are regularly making calls
>> to work() (i.e. gr-ctrlport-monitor query latency becomes equal to the time
>> that elapses between processing individual bursts), so if for some reason
>> bursts ever stop trickling to one of the probes, gr-ctrlport-monitor
>> becomes unresponsive to user input.
>> The gr-ctrlport-monitor behavior can be recreated with any simple
>> flowgraph that contains a ctrlport_probe2_x that will never (or
>> infrequently) make a call to work, such as: random_pdu ->
>> pdu_to_tagged_stream -> ctrlport_probe2_b, where the "generate" port of the
>> random_pdu block is left unconnected.  Attempting to connect
>> gr-ctrlport-monitor to this flowgraph will cause gr-ctrlport-monitor to be
>> unresponsive (have to kill it) almost immediately after the GUI is
>> displayed.
>> I wasn't sure if this is a limitation of ctrlport_probe2_x or
>> gr-ctrlport-monitor, but I wanted to see if t was was possible to make the
>> combination play nicely together when applied to a bursty flowgraph.
>> Relevant system info:
>>   GNU Radio 3.7.8
>>   Thrift 0.9.2
>>   Ubuntu 15.04
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Eric
> Eric,
> Have you tried increasing the number of threads in the thrift server? Try
> making/modifying ~/.gnuradio/thrift.conf with:
> [thrift]
> nthreads = 10 (or some number greater than the number of probe blocks you
> have)
> (and make sure you have set "[ControlPort] config=~/.gnuradio/thrift.conf"
> so it gets picked up.)
> I'm wondering if it's just blocking on all endpoints in a single thread
> right now before allowing any of them to return.
> Tom
I tried the config changes for the toy flowgraph I described above (and for
my bursty flowgraph), but I did not notice a difference in behavior.  I
have a high level of confidence that the config changes were getting sucked
in because the thrift server would change ports when I altered the port
number in thrift.conf.

Also, this issue seems specific to ctrlport_probe2_x.  gr-ctrlport-monitor
initializes fine and is responsive to user input as expected even without
data flowing if I try the toy flowgraph above with the older
ctrlport_probe_c block instead:  random_pdu -> pdu_to_tagged_stream ->

On a side note, I re-built from git master today before I tried the config
changes and played with ctrlport_probe_c:

$ gnuradio-config-info -v
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