On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Washbourne, Logan < lwas...@ostatemail.okstate.edu> wrote:
> Hello All, > > I recently rewrote the Chat Sanitize and Chat Receiver blocks from the > Tutorial module(Example 5) in C++. I did this because I wanted to add an > acknowledgment feature into the blocks in order to add some robustness to > it(I'm not sure yet if the chat example will lend itself to being robust > but it was the starting point I chose). The problem arose when I added an > input port to the Text Sanitize block and added an output to the Chat > Receiver block and connected them together. Instead of a linear program I > now had a loop of a program. I did something wrong because now the Text > Sanitize block wasn't outputting anything, so I commented out the input > code for Text Sanitize and the output code for Chat Receiver. I went to > retest the program to see if it behaved just like Example 5(which it was > before I started adding on the acknowledgment bits) but now Text Sanitize > wasn't outputting anything still. > > I tried putting some cout's in the general _work function where the > message publishing code is and I have determined that it's not even > entering the general_work function. > > Does anyone have any thoughts on the matter? I must have changed something > when I commented out the input portion of the Text_Sanitize code but for > the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I have even since made two > new blocks to try and redo the functionality of Text Sanitize but the same > problem still persists. > So this will be a good lesson in using git! It's good to keep small, quantified changes in git so that you know where you are versus where you started when making a change. "git diff" is your friend here. Lots of ways to use this tool to help in your development cycle. (Also, looking at your git repo, you've checked in the '~' temp files from your editor [emacs I assume]. You don't want any temp or auto-generated files in a git repository; just stuff that you've created that needs to be tracked.) The problem is that this block is designed only to output messages, not a data stream. You can see in the constructor that the io_signature is using (0, 0, 0) for both inputs and outputs. The scheduler doesn't recognize this block in the stream and so never things to call the general_work. The original blocks you are referring to only have message interfaces. Hope this helps get you in the right direction. Tom > My code can be found at: https://github.com/loganwashbourne/Thesis.git > > The juicy files are in the Thesis/OOT/gr-ACK/lib folder. > > There might be some profanity in the commit messages, it was a stressful > day. > > I appreciate your time, > > Logan Washbourne > Electrical Engineering Graduate Student > (Electromagnetics) > > > _______________________________________________ > Discuss-gnuradio mailing list > Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio > >
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