I am testing my OOT module in various condition of different machines.

A certain block implementing a state machine requires a certain number of
items or more.

Thus, I've stated it in forecast():

In general work(), the block determines how many items it should be consume:

With these codes, it works find with my own machinie.
Ubuntu 14.04, 2 CPUs and 4 GB RAM allocated virtual machine. The host has
i7-3770 and 16 GB RAM.

But it fails on machine that my school gave to me for educational and
research purposes. I can't tell you the exact spec. of the machine, but it
apparently has a poor CPU and a lower memory space.

Do these difference on machines' specs affect on ninput_items? I think they
have a certain relation to each other... since GNU Radio scheduler
allocates available memory over all blocks...? If so, can it be resolved if
I manually set a larger memory/buffer size to GNU Radio? (If my memory is
correct, I remember there's a configuration file to do it...)

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