On 08/24/2015 02:26 PM, John Petrich wrote:
Ever since I updated to GRC3.7.8 none of my RTL SDR demos will run in
GRC. The error messages are the same: “ list contains an invalid
format”. Attached is the .grc file of a basic RTL Qt test flow graph
authored using GRC3.7.8, and the .odt file with the complete error
message. GRC detects the RTL device, and cites format errors. Are
others having this problem with GRC3.7.8? I am anxious to resolve
this problem because I have scheduled a GRC presentation in the near
John Petrich
Did you re-build gr-osmosdr against 3.7.8? My suspicion is that the
gr-osmosdr you're using is out-of-date with respect to the GR that is
calling it.
Also, you have a throttle block in between your hardware source, and
your Qt GUI block. Don't do that. You never need a throttle when
you're using
real hardware.
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