Thank you so much Ron! I will try with the new version then.

Best regards,

Miguel Cordero Limón
Ingeniero de Proyectos/Project Engineer
Área de Aviónica y Sistemas/Avionics and Systems Department

Parque Tecnológico y Aeronáutico de Andalucía
C/ Wilbur y Orville Wright, 17-19-21
41309 La Rinconada
Sevilla (Spain)
(+34) 954179002

[] En nombre de Ron 
Enviado el: miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015 12:27
Asunto: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Error when running GRC flowchart in No GUI mode

It's an issue in that particular version of GNU Radio. I see the same thing 

The good news is that the No GUI option works correctly in the latest release 

On 08/19/2015 02:55 AM, Miguel Cordero Limón wrote:
Hi all,

I'm having trouble when trying to run a GRC flowchart with the No GUI option. 
The thing is that even with the simplest flowchart I get the following error: 
can only concatenate list (not "str") to list. I've tried all the different 
configurations in the Options block but I get always the same result.

I'm using GNU Radio Companion v3.7.7.1-154-g7ee2f91d in a machine running 
Ubuntu Precise 64 bits (Linux kernel 3.13.0-55-generic).

Find attached the .grc file I am using and a screenshot of what I get when I 
run it.

Can anybody give me some insight on this?

Thank you very much in advance!

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