Hell. I haven't tried this, but:
If you're building GNU Radio from source, you can use this:


ie. in your gnu radio directory do something like (assuming you're on
the master branch)

git pull https://github.com/marcusmueller/gnuradio.git

Best regards,

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On 10.08.2015 15:24, Marcus Müller wrote:
> I'd just try. Clearly, physically retuning is bad in this case, but if
> you haven't tried with the stream tag approach, you should.
> Other than that, I think a relatively small patch to the USRP sink would
> add a tx_tune tag, doing the same as the message of the same name,
> namely allowing you to specify exactly how you want to tune (DSP/analog).
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 10.08.2015 15:05, Mat Mat wrote:
>> well here's the thing: I need to transmit a burst every 7ms. From what 
>> you've written about tuning times, i got somewhat pessimistic as to 
>> whether this is enough time to retune. Or would you say that this should 
>> be enough?

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