Hi Ashraf,

A single complex sine tone will only have one spectral peak.
I think you will see great profit in understanding a bit of the math/signal theory involved. GNU Radio has a suggested reading page, especially made for these cases:
Go through Michael Ossman's tutorial (under Math).

In fact, reading through that list, there's a distinct lack of free ressources that bridge the gap between "why? and what are complex signals?" and digital communication basics, ie. stuff like "what is the spectrum/a fourier transform". If you have access to a university library or so, grab a book on basics of signals and linear systems; like in every mature scientific community, there's some healthy dispute on what students should be having access to, but if you're looking for something relative precise, yet not too mathematical and free, have a look at Lapidoth, which is available here as a PDF:
Read chapters 2 and 6.

Best regards,

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