Hello Nathan

Firstly I am really grateful for your long suggestions. I am very surprised
to spend so much time writing this for me.

Secondly, I already tried building GNU Radio natively in Odroid xu3 and
Hummingboard. They both took long time to build. And I always meet some
bugs, but I fixed them. Building GNU Radio on Hummingboard is definitely a

I want to concentrate on cross compile now even I have native compile
option. I am reading Open Embedded website now, OE layer does not support
Odroid XU3 layer. 1>What do you mean for "add support"? 2>I am going to try
Tom's rootfs and chroot once I understand it. 3> Is this the website you are
talking about for cross compile with OE
the first three steps are
1)Build the cross toolchain with OpenEmbedded:
bitbake -c populate_sdk gnuradio-dev-image

2)Find the sdk:
$ ls tmp-eglibc/deploy/sdk/

3)Install the sdk:
'$ sudo sh

But the problem is that this SDK file is for Zynq chip.

Do you have any idea how to build SDK for ARMV7L which is used in Odroid

According to my understand of reading in GNURadio website, it seems the
number 3) way is the same way as get an SDK for my distribution. I read from
this website https://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/OE_PyBOMBS 
>From what you said, it seems I can either combine OE and SDK to do cross
compile or JUST use SDK for my distribution. I have not found any resource
for the later option. Since you said the later option is unknown and hard, I
will save this for later.

I am going to try the Tom's rootfs way and OE SDK way firstly, I will keep
posting my questions, thank you so much for your time and help. I am super


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