Hi all,

I made a grc block that allows the user to select the input/output type
using a drop down box. For a while, it seemed like what I had implemented
worked fine. Recently, however, only selecting the complex data type works
reliably, the other types sometimes cause the flowgraph to stop immediately
with no error output. In some flowgraphs the block runs all types, in
others it doesn't.

I looked at the code and noticed that the first thing I do in general_work
is the following:

const *gr_complex* *in = (const *gr_complex* *) input_items[0];
*gr_complex* *out = (*gr_complex* *) output_items[0];

This assumes the input/output types are gr_complex, which makes me think is
causing the problems I'm seeing. I tried to look in other built-in blocks
to see how they work but it hasn't cleared up my confusion. For example, in
'Stream to Tagged Stream', which lets users select the type, the lines
above are declared as follows:

const *unsigned char* *in = (const *unsigned char* *) input_items[0];
*unsigned char* *out = (*unsigned char* *) output_items[0];

Why would this work if the user selects complex type from GRC?

The big question is, how do I properly define the buffer pointer types for
user selectable type blocks in the C++ code?

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