Hi all,

I want to use 4 bladeRF devices on a single laptop. This means I have to
load the FPGA file to all of 4 bladeRF devices.
However, currently I can only load the PFGA file to 2 devices.
I am using the command:

bladeRF-cli -l <path/to/FPGA/file>

Does anyone know how to load the FPGA file to 4 bladeRF devices on a single
laptop? Please help me with this!
Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Van-Ly Nguyen,
Research Assistant,
Signals and Systems Laboratory - SSL
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications - FET
University of Engineering and Technology - UET
Vietnam National University, Hanoi - VNU

Phone: (+84) 97 881 9406
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