Thank you Marcus. 
I tried again to implement your suggestion. This time I had success! Thank
However, I had to make changes. I set the constellation sink for 2 inputs
and added a second float to complex block. This provides a Y (or vertical)
scope input representing the waveform R + J*X. Where R is the "real"
component of the VNA reflection component and X is the "imaginary" component
of the reflection component. They are both plotted on the same axis. The
orthogonal scope axis is the driving VNA VCO waveform (used a sawtooth) and
is the same waveform for R and X reflection parts.
The ambiguous part: 
The float to complex provides two float input ports and one complex output
port. I believe the top float port is the "in-phase" and the bottom float
port is the "quadrature-phase" port. I need to document further what I did,
a picture, as they say, is worth a 1000 words. I have a screen shot of the
waveform and GRC flow diagram. I transferred the png file to windows but the
file name causes problems in windows. However, at this time I have another
project  to complete first. 
Thank you for your help,

Marcus Müller-3 wrote
> I don't know how you want to trigger your Oscilloscope in X/Y mode --
> hence I used the "Free" trigger mode, to generate the lissajous figures
> I sent you. What's wrong about them? If you describe what you're
> expecting, we might find a solution together. 

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