Hello Hassaan,

there's no way you get 32MHz of bandwidth over network mode -- for 16
bit samples, that's not even theoretically possible over gigabit ethernet.
In fact, the E310's CPU will under no circumstances push that many
samples per second in or out of the E310.
Please make sure you actually get the bandwidth you think you are getting.

I'd like to point out that the network mode really is a narrowband
diagnostic and maybe demo tool, but can't be used for serious sample
rates -- the architecture of the network interface on the E310 just
doesn't allow such rates when handled by the ARM.

Best regards,

On 06/11/2015 03:59 PM, Hassaan Ahmad wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using USRP E310 and running uhd_fft.grc to acquire FFT spectrum
> from the device in network mode, and then displays that with QT FFT
> GUI block. 
> Setting a center frequency, I can get an instantaneous bandwidth of
> 32MHz around the center frequency. (for me it's the maximum in network
> mode) Now, I want to change the center frequency programmatically in
> order to sweep a larger bandwidth and then concatenate the results
> into a single QT FFT graph like this: 
> -IQ/2-----Cent.freq1-----+IQ/2    -IQ/2-----Cent.freq2------+IQ/2  
>  -IQ/2-----Cent.freq2------+IQ/2  ...
> Is their a way I can do it?
> Regards,
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