Try removing these lines from the DisplayPlot {} section:

    qproperty-line_style1: SolidLine;
    qproperty-line_style2: DashLine;
    qproperty-line_style3: DotLine;

Since the lines are also in Frequency plot and Vector plot sections, that 
change should not affect them. 
It might mess up a Time plot, but then you can just add those lines to that 
section to fix it.

— Seth

> On May 31, 2015, at 12.36, John Murphy <> 
> wrote:
> The new GRC theme system using qss files looks pretty neat and seems very 
> user configurable. Thanks.
> To use this, with my build-gnuradio installed setup, I had to create a new 
> file under my home user folder at /home/me/.gnuradio/config.conf and I had to 
> add the following to that file.
> qss = /usr/local/share/gnuradio/themes/alt.qss
> To go back to the normal theme I just commented out that line, like so...
> #qss = /usr/local/share/gnuradio/themes/alt.qss
> All this works just fine.
> *BUT*
> I did run into one issue using this with a QT GUI Constellation Sink.
> The constellation points have the lines turned on running between them (ie so 
> they look like a transition diagram instead of what I think of as a 
> constellation diagram).
> So before I asked for help here I thought I'd have some fun with it and tried 
> some stuff on my own.
> I tried adding the following to the alt.qss file in my 
> /usr/local/share/gnuradio/themes folder (had to change file permissions on 
> the qss files to do this with my editor - but I am guessing the permissions 
> change is not an issue).
> ConstellationDisplayPlot {
>     qproperty-line_style1: None;
>     qproperty-line_style2: None;
>     qproperty-line_style3: None;
> }
> I put this between the VectorDIsplayPlot entries and the QwtPlotCanvas 
> entries.
> I also tried replacing the similar lines in DisplayPlot with the selections 
> for "None" I show above.
> None of that changed the constellation to remove the lines between points.
> To make sure I was having 'some' effect, I tried making the background for 
> the whole plot an ugly green color (changing the top QWidget 
> background-color) and that worked, so I am at least affecting something with 
> that file if I had the syntax and context correct.
> I did the requesite Google search on "QtCore.Qt.DashLine" to see if there was 
> a syntax aside from "None" that would be correct, but while I could find 
> syntax for several other line choices I did not a find syntax for a choice 
> for no line. So it is possible the issue is deeper than just a qss 
> configuration line.
> *SO*
> Any idea how to make the QT constellation plots not have the transition lines 
> between points when using one of the qss sheets?
> Thanks,
> - John
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