On 20.05.2015 09:07, Martin Braun wrote:
>> I can repeat this by just generating a simple general module with this
>> const char *filename parameter. The above declaration is generated by
>> gr_modtool. So if I move the * to next to the char when I enter
>> parameters in gr_modtool add it works fine. So I am not sure if this is
>> poor C++ or the gr_modtool just slurping up the *filename but I will
>> point out the file_sink block bundled with gnuradio declares its
>> filename with the * next to the parameter
> Most likely modtool is slurping the *. We rarely have pointers as such
> (a better way in this case would anyway be a const std::string &), and
> when we use references, the & needs to go away. Maybe that &-removal is
> also removing the *.

Erm, I got things mixed up here. What I meant was, modtool slurps &'s
correctly, and should also slurp *'s, which it currently doesn't. Easy
fix, though. I'll put up a PR ASAP.


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