Hi all,

I'm working on an incredibly annoying issue related to my use of the
Header/Payload Demux (HPD) block. I think it's related to a buffer overflow
at some point, but I'm having a really hard time coming up with a proper
debug strategy to nail this down.

What I'm seeing is my data streams freeze after the input to the HPD block,
both on the header branch and the payload branch. Everything before the HPD
block continues on without issue. The time it takes the streams to freeze
is HIGHLY variable. I've watched it run for 30 minutes straight before a
freeze and I've watched it freeze a few seconds after start. I'm using tags
generated by the Correlation Estimator as the trigger for the HPD block.

My question is this, if I suspect a buffer overflow is causing a freeze,
how would I prove this to myself?

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