Thanks Tom,
That change solved the problem and I managed to install it.
I'm using cmake version 3.0.2. The change in the gnuradio repo also fixed
my problem checking out the android branch.
I appreciate you taking the time to help me with this problems so quickly,
specially on a weekend. I'll have to think about something cool to do with
GnuRadio and Android now :)


2015-05-09 17:58 GMT+01:00 Tom Rondeau <>:

> On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Murray Thomson <
>> wrote:
>> I've attached the command used and the output of cmake.
>> Thanks for your time.
>> Murray
> Ah, ok, I think I see the problem. I've left out PMT as a dependency. If
> you go into gr-grand/CMakeLists.txt file, change line 113 from:
> to
> I have a feeling my system is picking up an outdated component check file
> because it's pulling in for me as part of the RUNTIME
> check.
> Everything else looked good. Thanks for all the necessary details here.
> Let me know if this works for you and I'll check in the patch.
> Also, what version of cmake are you using? Looks like there's a lot of
> sloppiness in my cmake stuff for this project, and I'm guessing you're
> using a newer version that's throwing all of those warnings. I'll try to
> clean that up, too.
> Thanks,
> Tom
>> 2015-05-09 15:10 GMT+01:00 Tom Rondeau <>:
>>> On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Murray Thomson <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've been trying the instructions in the wiki with ubuntu 15.04 and gcc
>>>> 4.8 (4.9 also gave me problems).
>>>> I got the following error checking out the android branch from git://
>>>> error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten
>>>> by checkout:
>>>>     volk/CMakeLists.txt
>>>>    .......................
>>>> Aborting
>>>> But it worked well with the repo:
>>> Ok, that should be fixed now. I use the trondeau/gnuradio android branch
>>> as my staging area while working on new stuff. The one on gnuradio's repo
>>> was prior to me rebasing off the latest master, which was before the volk
>>> submodule change. I've just updated gnuradio's repo branch to the latest so
>>> we shouldn't see this problem now.
>>>> I also got an error compiling GRAnd. It seems to be related with boost,
>>>> which I cross compiled following the instructions. I've attached the output
>>>> of make, if anyone has the time to have a look at it it would be much
>>>> appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Murray
>>> Can you send me the command you used and output of cmake? I'm wondering
>>> if it's picking up a wrong version of Boost. You can force this by passing
>>> it -DBOOST_ROOT=<base of dir when libboost_xxx.a lives in base/lib>.
>>> Just make sure that PREFIX is set correctly and Boost was installed into
>>> that same PREFIX.
>>> Tom
>>>> 2015-05-06 8:29 GMT+01:00 Lin HUANG <>:
>>>>> Wow, it's so cool! I'll have a try, following your wiki. -Lin
>>>>> 2015-05-06 4:06 GMT+08:00 Tom Rondeau <>:
>>>>>> While I have been talking around it for a while, I wanted to better
>>>>>> publicize our work on GNU Radio for Android. We can now build 
>>>>>> applications
>>>>>> that run GNU Radio flowgraphs on Android (>= 5.0). We build the flowgraph
>>>>>> in C++ and link it through to a Java app for the user interface using the
>>>>>> JNI. I have tried to collect the howtos for getting all of the various
>>>>>> parts up and running here:
>>>>>> Last week, we got UHD support working, and I felt this was a big
>>>>>> marker in our progress on the project. To top it off, we now even have
>>>>>> ControlPort support on Android apps, which makes it possible to provide
>>>>>> remote control and run tools like gr-perf-monitorx, from which I'm 
>>>>>> already
>>>>>> finding out new things about GNU Radio and Android device performance
>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>> There's still a big warning about this being a work in progress, and
>>>>>> it definitely is. However, with the support for all of the various 
>>>>>> hardware
>>>>>> and tools that we now have, I think we're at a place of usability for a 
>>>>>> lot
>>>>>> of applications.
>>>>>> Feel free to ask questions if things in the wiki don't work for you.
>>>>>> I've tried to go through it multiple times and make it as robust as
>>>>>> possible and mostly things should be copy-and-paste. But as things 
>>>>>> change,
>>>>>> and they do rapidly here, we're likely to continue to need some evolution
>>>>>> of the instructions.
>>>>>> I will hopefully post some of my simple applications online sometime
>>>>>> soon, as well.
>>>>>> Tom
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