
no solution here, but this is interesting because these kinds of
problems are one of the reasons why we're re-working PyBOMBS. Are USB
drives allowed? I guess if so, you could fetch-all on one machine,
update a USB drive, and then have PyBOMBS read repos from that.

Of course, air-gapping becomes kind of pointless if you can install
anything from a USB drive.


On 29.04.2015 10:27, Richard Bell wrote:
> I originally installed GNU Radio on this computer when it was networked
> via pybombs. Since then, the computer has become air gapped (no internet
> connection allowed). I need to update the install to the latest versions
> of UHD and GNU Radio. Two questions:
> 1) Is there a way that would allow me to use pybombs to update from a
> dvd? If so, how would I create this dvd and then point pybombs to it?
> 2) Should I forget the original pybombs install and start over with a
> dvd containing all files needed to install the latest version. If so,
> how do I make this dvd?
> v/r,
> Rich
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