The default generation option in the Options Block is now "QtGUI", so if
you're building a wxGUI flow-graph you'll have to change that to wxGUI. 

On 2015-04-16 09:23, Random01 wrote: 

> Not a big fan of asking for help with something as mundane as this, but...
> Simply ran out of 'grunt' from my Core2Duo MacBook Pro - pretty damn quick -
> and have thus migrated across to an old Core2Quad that was lying around,
> otherwise unused.
> (Didn't struggle utilising MacPorts within OS X, to get GNU Radio / GRC
> installed and running happily with my B200 - but I ran out of processing
> headroom pretty quick nonetheless!)
> So, embarked on a brand new journey with a freshly minted Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS
> .iso and installed it from scratch on the Core2Quad, allowing the
> installation to perform all of its updates unimpeded, then apt-get update
> and upgrade.
> It was mentioned here,
> ( [1]), that
> python-scipy has caused errors with the PyBOMBS installation of GNU Radio,
> so next up was apt-get install python-scipy.
> Lucky last, pulled the trigger and commenced the suggested route of using
> PyBOMBS to get it done - (following to the letter the instructions as
> below;)
> git clone git://
> cd pybombs
> ./pybombs install gnuradio
> Once complete, (Man, it took a while!), the final instructions carried out
> also without a problem;
> ./pybombs env
> Upon confirming the above file's location using the File Manager and then
> cd'ing my way into this directory, (which just happened to be my Home
> Directory), I fired the last command into Terminal;
> source target/
> Everything seems to have gone off without a hitch, as upon any reboot - I
> open Terminal, confirm I'm in my Home Directory and type 'source
> target/'
> Next, typing 'gnuradio-companion' has me immediately where I need to be -
> except...
> Whenever I place any 'wx_gui' related blocks on the canvas, they all contain
> the same 'Flow Graph Error', preventing execution outright;
> (This error generated from attempting to use the WX FFT Sink, for example)
> Error 0:
> Block - wxgui_fftsink2_0 - WX GUI FFT Sink(wxgui_fftsink2):
> Can't generate this block in mode 'wx_gui'
> So that's it.
> I've had a good look at hunting for any mention of this as an issue within
> this mailing list, and nothing.
> (Same also within the Ettus mailing lists as well.)
> No results for anyone having similar issues found via a generic Web Search
> either.
> Quick summary, here at my end -
> Hardware:
> Gigabyte GA-G31M-S2L Motherboard
> Core2Quad Q8200 with 4GB of DDR2 RAM
> Using onboard Intel G33 GMA 3100 Graphics Chipset - (Is this the issue?)
> Ettus Research B200 connected via USB2 - (for the moment)
> Software:
> Fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS - (latest available as of three days
> ago)
> Have allowed Ubuntu to fully self-update to its own satisfaction
> apt-get update then upgrade
> apt-get install python-scipy
> then PyBOMBS installation of GNU Radio as per above.
> Thanks in advance - (and thanks especially for tolerating my
> Ubuntu-N00bness!)
> Random
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