Tom, I hope I put this question into the correct location on the Mailing List.
Thanks again for your rapid response!! Mike H. On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Mike Heese <> wrote: > Tom, > > I sincerely apologize if I have posted this email to the wrong location > but this is where the web page sent me. > > I have forwarded my original email below and hope it shows up as you > expected. > > Any info you can provide on this problem would be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks! > Mike Heese > > > > > > Forwarded conversation > Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] AttributeError: 'module' object has no > attribute 'block_name' > ------------------------ > > From: *Mike Heese* <> > Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:07 PM > To: > > > Sir, > > I am having the exact same issues as those discussed in this thread and > have not found any solutions that work. I apologize for the strange-ness > of the email but we've been struggling with this problem for several days. > > First, I have GNU Radio installed on three different Laptops each > running 64-bit Ubuntu. GNURadio was installed using the 'apt-get' install > call for gnuradio with no other modifications. The steps below will > produce this exact problem on every machine we have tried it on. > > Step 1. > Pick any GNU Radio Tutorial such as the 'square2_ff' Tutorial. Follow all > the steps exactly as indicated to create the basic block. Compile and > install the block into GNURadio following the steps in the Tutorial. Run > the Block in GNURadio. The Block should work in GNURadio exactly as > indicated in the Tutorial. Great Tutorial by the way! > > Step 2. > Now, completely exit GNURadio. Open the '' file (or > whatever your implementation file is) and add (any) one of the C++ API > Class Headers such as: > #include <*gnuradio/filter/fir_filter_fff.h* > <>> > > Next, in the constructor for square2_ff_impl add a single line to > instantiate a filter object such as: > gr::filter::fir_filter_fff::sptr > filter(gr::filter::fir_filter_fff::make(1,m_taps)); > > Make sure the 'm_taps' vector does in fact hold values but don't do > anything else here. Just declare a variable of the C++ API Class you > picked. Do not modify any other files than the .cc file. > > Step 3. > Following this, compile the Block code and install the Block into GNURadio > again following the exact same steps from the Tutorial as before. The Test > Steps on my machine do not indicate any errors here, which is adding to my > confusions. > > Step 4. > Open GNURadio and try running the 'square2_ff' (or whatever yours is > called) Block again. > Now, with every machine I've tried this on, you will get the error: > AttributeError:'module' object has no attribute 'square2_ff' > > Following this, exit GNURadio completely. > > Step 5. > Open the source module '' file again and comment out > only the line where you instantiated the 'filter' object. Leave the > #include for 'fir_filter_fff.h' alone. Recompile and reinstall the Block > back into GNURadio following the Tutorial steps as before. Don't modify > anything else other than the .cc file. > > Step 6. > Open GNURadio again and try the square2_ff block again. This time it > works exactly as it should with no errors. > > For some reason, the C++ OOT Blocks will not run inside GNU Radio if I try > to use any of the C++ API Classes in the implementation code. I've tried > everything I can think to move the declarations/headers around but nothing > works. Granted, I have not tried every single API Class but I've tried > enough to know it doesn't work. I do not touch any of the swig or python > files or XML files. The only file I touch is the implementation file and > this is enough to cause this error. > > What am I doing wrong here? This problem is all over the internet but > none of the solutions offered seem to work on any machine I try them on?? > > Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks, > Mike H > > > ---------- > From: *Tom Rondeau* <> > Date: Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:54 AM > To: Mike Heese <> > > > Hi Mike, > > I have the answer for you, but it's our policy not to answer these > questions off the mailing list. Could you please post this to the ML, > instead, and I can answer it there? > > And I really appreciate the detail you went through to help me recreate > and understand the issue. > > Tom > > >
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