
For reading your data from file, you need to have a binary data file. Libre
office file has a header and after that your text "11110000 ", in which "1"
or "0' is a char not a bit!
GNURadio bit generation sources assume "0" is a byte of bits "00000000" and
"1" is a byte of bits "10000000". So you need to store your data in this
binary format into a file.


On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Salman Dinani <salmandin...@gmail.com>

> Hi to all,
> Thanks very much to all of you for your valuable suggestions.In accordance
> with your suggestions, I experimented with my designed DQPSK system and got
> few problems which I am listing down.All the referenced figures are
> attached.
>    - I reduced the symbol per sample to 4 (previously it was 8) and added
>    a RRC filter before constellation plot (figure RRC_const) but constellation
>    remains the same L
>    - I successfully demodulated the distorted constellation output by
>    using Cosine signal source as input (figure DQPSK_demod_S_2). As someone
>    previously suggested reducing the samples per symbol, I set it to 2 and ran
>    the simulation. The demodulated output was out of phase w.r.t input (figure
>    S_2_P_1).As I varied the frequency, the phase difference also varied as
>    shown in figures S_2_P_2 and S_2_P_3. When I set this parameter to 4
>    (figure DQPSK_demod_S_4). The output got corrected (In-Phase) for all
>    frequencies (figure Plot_DQPSK_S_4).
>            Why the signal is out of phase and phase shift is varying with
> frequency??Why this problem got corrected when       Samples per symbol
> changed to 4?
>    - In order to send my desired bit stream, I made a file in Libre
>    office with bits 11110000 and saved it with txt extension. (i.e. data.txt).
>    Before applying to the system, I tried to check the output of file source
>    on scope. But when I ran the program (figure File_source), the output
>    was zero. After several trials, I put the bit streams in inverted commas
>    "11110000" (figure file_dat ) some data appeared at the output (figure
>    output_dat). But this is not the data which I wrote in the file.
>            Is there a special format for sending data via File Source??
> I am very sorry if my questions appear to be childish but I am not able to
> figure them out. Eagerly waiting for your expert opinions.
> Regards
> Salman Dinani
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