Hey Everyone,

and a happy new year! I hope you all had a great holiday break (if you
had one), and maybe the one or the other of you had some time to hack
GNU Radio stuff.
Maybe that made you curious what 2015 will bring to this great project.
Well, spoilers, one of the things will (hopefully) be the resurrection
of the new CGRAN.
Or maybe one of your new year's resolutions was to volunteer more in
your favourite free software project? Well, here's your chance!

We've been collecting ideas for the rehaul on this list and in #gnuradio
(also, of course, IRL over a beer or two). I've tried condensing them
all into this wiki page:

Now, all we have to do is implement it. For this, I'm putting together a
task force (the PyBOMB squad), and am looking for volunteers to join.
I'm hoping there'll be someone on the team who knows how to make
beautiful web pages, but other than that it'll probably 'just' be a
bunch of Python scripts. Anything we can salvage from other free
software projects is up for grabs, of course.

The new CGRAN will be closely linked to PyBombs, which means we'll be
working on both of these simultaneously -- hence the name of the task force.
Ideally, we can compartmentalize this job into many small sub-tasks, and
make this a small burden for everyone. Thankfully, Dr. Nathan has
started this off with a set of scripts, so we don't have to start from

To kick this off, we'll be having a call. I have two suggestions:

...if you can't do either, but really want to join, PM me and we'll work
something out.

Hoping to see someone around then!


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