Hi Alok,

usually, it should say something like "actual sampling rate: XXX". What
does it say? (actually, can you just copy&paste the whole warning?)

What program are you passing "-r" to?


On 11/28/2014 08:57 AM, alok ranjan wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am using USRP1 having RF daughterboards WBX (50Mhz -2.2Ghz).  I have 
> gone through some basic details of the USRP1 product features but dont 
> know how to resolve the errors oh UHD warning saying the hardware 
> doesnot support the  target tx sample rate and same for the rx also.
> Below is the USRP1 supported features :
> ADC sample rate: 64MS/s
> DAC sample rate:128MS/s
> Host sample rate: 8 for usb2
> FPGA clock rate: 64Mhz
> Please help me to understand that what value of -r i should pass for the both 
> tx and for rx.
> I
>  have tried with -r 250e3 and 125e3 but it could not work and popping 
> the warning that target tx and rx rate is not supported by hardware.
> Thank you.                                      
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