
Sorry if I asked a question in a way annoying you, but after passing 24h
with no answer, I though that's something wrong with my question, may be it
was silly or irrelevant, that made me ask again, especially after I kept
googling it with no result, any way, kindly accept my apologize again,
actually I was shocked from those tough words of Martin, and didn't know
what to say yesterday, sorry Martin :), and sorry for wasting your time

 Regarding my problem, I'm trying to figure out what to change in those
cmake files mentioned by Martin, I will test Seth procedure, thanks Martin,
& Seth.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Martin Braun <>

> On 11/17/2014 02:29 PM, Marcus Müller wrote:
> > you wrote your original question on a sunday and try to hurry things by
> > asking but 24hrs later -- that might be a bit impatient for an open
> > source project with volunteers trying to help you with something that
> > has not much to do with their project, but with your usage of a
> > completely different library ;)
> I would like to emphasize this. Your question was polite and you posted
> relevant information (thanks!), and others may benefit from this thread
> in the future if they search the archives.
> Still, questions are much better received if not seeming impatient. When
> posting on this list, we're asking others to do free work for us. The
> reason this works is because we all help each other on this list, and
> respect the fact that others are giving up time to share their code and
> knowledge.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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Ayman Hendawy
Embedded system engineer


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