
On 10/09/2014 05:43 PM, liisuu wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am a new user of GNU radio. I am trying to communicate between Tmote Sky
sensor node and USRP N210.

I use the Tmote Sky sensor node as transmitter to broadcast messages by
flashing the example code into the node. The messages are broadcast in radio
channel 26. (The code is this one

I use USRP N210 as the receiver. I just want to test whether my USRP can
receive the broadcast messages or not. So I made a small receiver in
gnuradio-companion which just has a USRP Source, a Scope Sink and an FFT
Sink. I set the sample rate to be 4M, center frequency to be 2.48G, Channel
gain to be 15dB.

However, in the scope sink and fft sink, I cannot find any signal except the

Maybe you want to try gr-fosphor [1]. AFIAK, it uses all samples to calculate the FFT, so it will be easier to spot the bursts.

I am sure the sender works successfully because I have a receiver
implemented on another Tmote Sky sensor can receive the broadcast messages.

I just want to make sure my USRP N210 can receive the signal so that I can
make a 802.15.4 receiver on it in the next step.

There is already a transceiver that is tested with TelosB motes [2]. It also implements parts of the Contiki RIME stack.


[1] http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/fosphor
[2] https://github.com/bastibl/gr-ieee802-15-4

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