The machine that runs CGRAN down in some basement somewhere at Carnegie
Mellon has hit some issues again.  Given that I'm no longer at the
university, these issues are becoming harder for me to address.  At this
point, it's probably best for CGRAN to "move on" as we've all been in
discussion about over time.

What I can do if everyone still finds CGRAN useful is:

   1.  Provide a more reliable host and machine for it
   2.  Update it to be more useful to the community (e.g., more towards git)

It still gets a lot of hits (~16,000 a month) and every time it goes down
people hunt me down and ask when it's coming back up.  So it seems as
though the community still uses it.

I can update it with Pybombs or Gitlib or whatever people feel is
appropriate.  It can be more of a portal page even, without a repository if
most people just use Github now anyway.  Do people still like it is a
standalone service, or is it better to just "roll it in" to the GNU Radio
webpage somewhere now?  I want to do whatever the community finds is most

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