
To follow up on Martin's point. First, yes, please either use the Issue
tracker or submit a patch/pull request via git and github.

Also, just pointing out a bug is one thing, but it's also much easier for
us to test and verify if you provide us with an example file.

That having been said, yes, I think your patch is correct. The current
behavior does not produce the wrong answer, but it's wasting a ton of
computation time.

Please send a patch.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com>

> No comment on the patch, but in general, it helps us a lot if you do this
> via github & pull request.
> M
> On 24.09.2014 12:21, Zhe Feng wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I checked the keep_m_in_n block and found a possible bug in it. In the
>> work function, the code wrote:
>> consume_each(d_n);
>> return d_m;
>> which I think it should be
>> consume_each(blks*d_n);
>> return blks*d_m.
>> while blks=std::min(noutput_items/d_m, ninput_items[0]/d_n).
>> Since both m and n of the block might change, which means the output to
>> input rate might change. I changed the set_output_multiple(m) to
>> set_relative_rate(d_n/d_m). And we made the set_relative_rate(d_n/d_m)
>> be called in the set_m and set_n function to make sure the rate is
>> updated on time.
>> The patch is attached. Could you check it?
>> Thanks!
>> Best,
>> Zhe
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