
I have the following setup: a file source, a deinterleave block and a USRP sink 
(see the attached .grc and related .png). This setup is a test to distribute 
two different signals on two channels of the USRP x300 (the file source loads a 
binary file with alternated channels containing 64 bit long IQ samples - 32 
real followed by 32 imaginary - channel 1/channel 2/channel 1/channel 2/etc...).

The hardware is a USRP x300 with two wideband SBX (SBX-120) boards.

Now, the above setup used to function without a hitch. But recently, it 
completely freezes gnuradio. Basically, I start the flowgraph and quickly get a 
large number of 'L' and no signal is transmitted. The only thing I can do is 
then to kill gnuradio-companion and related python processes.

The interesting thing is that if I replace the deinterleave block by a "stream 
to streams" block, everything works fine. I am bit puzzled as to what I am 

The operating system is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (updated state), UHD is the head of 
the maint branch, and gnuradio as well (UHD_003.007.002-2-gdb35bf46 and 
Gnuradio: 9dcb5067c55a0630c9edca6b62a32b1f8e633930). Firmware is also the most 
recent. I have attached the .grc, and the binary file I am using can be 
obtained here: 

Assuming there is not something wrong in my .grc setup, how do I debug this 
Thanks for any suggestion or help,

Attachment: deinterleave_test.grc
Description: deinterleave_test.grc

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