In the Python domain, you have lots of tools at your disposal, such as
Pickle (you can even use scipys io module to write .mat files if you like).

If you are using PMTs, you can use the metadata file sink.


On 09/12/2014 09:21 AM, Hoang Ngo-Khac wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to save a matrix of integers into a file, similar to .mat file in
> MATLAB. To be more specific, my desire block should receive a stream of
> integers, convert it to MxN matrix and save this matrix so that I can
> get this data for further process after the flow graph stops. 
> Could you give me some clue to do this in GNU Radio?
> Thank in advance,
> Hoang
> *Hoang Ngo-Khac*
> Research Assistant - Lab. of Signal and System, FET, UET, Vietnam
> National University-Hanoi (VNU-H)
> Alternative email:,
> Mobilephone:  +84.163.682.7874
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