I use predict, the xmlrpc server, and it bit of glue code for twiddling
the FIR filter's offset for my Funcube and NOAA receivers to account
for doppler.

Allows me to have tighter BPFs (well LPF's really), although does mean
I need to remember to update the TLE's from time to time!

Biggest problem I have is Funcube-1's beacon has thermal drift as
she comes out of eclipse that goes the opposite way...Been trying
to use a Freq_Det block to help, but not had the time to experiment

On 03/09/14 15:30, mle...@ripnet.com wrote:

Using predict is a similar solution to what I do in simple_ra for
"fringe stopping", except that it's all contained within the same chunk

  Python, using a "helper" function that's tied to a every-5-seconds
polling loop. The helper function calculates the required phase

  rotation, given a number of input parameters relating to the

On 2014-09-03 09:03, Tom Rondeau wrote:

It might not be completely contained in GRC, but it's a clever solution.

Another thing to look into is the fll_band_edge block. This will only work, 
however, if the signal is pulse-shaped. Specifically with an RRC filter by 
design, but we can modify it for other pulse shapes as well. This only does 
coarse frequency correction, but it's lock in bandwidth is much wider than that 
of the Costas loop block. You'd still want to follow this up with the Costas 
loop for fine frequency and phase tracking.

One thing, too, is that this block is fairly expensive computationally. It's 
calculating two FIR filters, which should be replaced by fast convolution 
filters. And I think that we could even combine this into a single filter 


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Mike Willis <willis...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Colin,

Not really, though there is an AX25 style header. Far from ideal 01111110 flags.


FROM: Colby Boyer [mailto:colby.bo...@gmail.com]
SENT: 03 September 2014 03:11
TO: Mike Willis
CC: GNU Radio Discussion
SUBJECT: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] PSK demodulator and Doppler

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Mike Willis <willis...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to develop a satellite ground station using the PSK demodulator 
block. This works fine when tuned accurately. However, with low satellites 
there is quite a bit of Doppler at VHF / UHF and there is also some frequency 
drift with satellite temperature as it enters or comes out of eclipse. This is 
a problem as the signals are relatively narrow in bandwidth compared to the 
Doppler and drift. I am wondering how to track this Doppler in Gnuradio. I have 
tried a PLL block and while this works it isn't quite right unless the signal 
is very strong. It can also get fooled by one of the many spurious signals 
encountered on the bands.

To some extent the Doppler can be predicted and compensated for, but only when 
the orbital parameters are known accurately. Even a few seconds error at TCA 
can make quite a difference.

Has anyone solved this one?


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Is there a preamble/training sequence you can search for? If so, you can use 
that to get the initial frequency offset estimate to correct and then use the 
PLL to track the fine phase correction.
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